Installing OGGM

OGGM itself is a pure python package, but it has several dependencies wich are not always trivial to install. The instructions below are self-explanatory and should work on any platform. However, complete beginners should get familiar with Python and its packaging ecosystem before trying to install and run OGGM.

OGGM is tested with the Python versions 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5.

For most users we recommend to use the conda package manager to install the dependencies With conda (all platforms). Linux users and people with experience with pip can follow the specific instructions With virtualenv (linux/debian).


Standard SciPy track:
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • scikit-image
  • pillow
  • matplotlib
  • pandas
  • xarray
  • joblib
Python 2 support:
  • six
Configuration file parsing tool:
  • configobj
  • netcdf4
GIS tools:
  • gdal
  • shapely
  • pyproj
  • rasterio
  • geopandas
  • nose
Other libraries:

With conda (all platforms)


You should have a recent version of git and of conda (either by installing miniconda or anaconda).

Linux users should install a couple of packages (not all of them are required but just to be sure):

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential liblapack-dev gfortran libproj-dev gdal-bin libgdal-dev netcdf-bin ncview python-netcdf ttf-bitstream-vera

Conda environment

We recommend to create a specific environment for OGGM. In a terminal window, type:

conda create --name oggm python=3.4

You can of course use any other name for your environment. Don’t forget to activate it:

source activate oggm

(on windows: activate oggm)


Install the packages from the ioos channel:

conda install -c ioos geopandas matplotlib Pillow joblib netCDF4 scikit-image configobj nose pyproj numpy krb5 rasterio xarray

After success, install the following packages from Fabien’s github:

pip install git+
pip install git+
pip install git+


We recommend to clone the git repository (or a fork if you want to participate to the development):

git clone

Then go to the project root directory:

cd oggm

And install OGGM in development mode:

pip install -e .


From the oggm root directory, type:

nosetests .

With virtualenv (linux/debian)

For Debian / Ubuntu / Mint users only!

Linux packages

For building stuffs:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential python-pip liblapack-dev gfortran libproj-dev

For matplolib to work on Python 2:

$ sudo apt-get install python-gtk2-dev

And on Python 3:

$ sudo apt-get install tk-dev python3-tk python3-dev


$ sudo apt-get install gdal-bin libgdal-dev python-gdal


$ sudo apt-get install netcdf-bin ncview python-netcdf

Virtual environment


$ sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper

Create the directory where the virtual environments will be created:

$ mkdir ~/.pyvirtualenvs

Add these three lines to the files: ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc:

# Virtual environment options
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.pyvirtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/

Reset your profile:

$ . ~/.profile

Make a new environment with Python 2:

$ mkvirtualenv oggm_env -p /usr/bin/python

Or Python 3:

$ mkvirtualenv oggm_env -p /usr/bin/python3

(Details: )

Python Packages

Be sure to be on the working environment:

$ workon oggm_env

Install one by one the easy stuff:

$ pip install numpy scipy pandas shapely

For Matplotlib and Python 2 we need to link the libs in the virtual env:

$ ln -sf /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/{glib,gobject,cairo,gtk-2.0,,pygtk.pth} $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python2.7/site-packages
$ pip install matplotlib

(Details: )

For Matplotlib and Python 3 it doesn’t seem to be necessary:

$ pip install matplotlib

Check if plotting works by running these three lines in python:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.plot([1,2,3])

If nothing shows-up, something got wrong.

For GDAL, it’s also not straight forward. First, check which version of GDAL is installed:

$ dpkg -s libgdal-dev

The version (10, 11, ...) should match that of the python package. Install using the system binaries:

$ pip install gdal==1.10.0 --install-option="build_ext" --install-option="--include-dirs=/usr/include/gdal"
$ pip install fiona --install-option="build_ext" --install-option="--include-dirs=/usr/include/gdal"

(Details: )

Install further stuffs:

$ pip install pyproj rasterio Pillow geopandas netcdf4 scikit-image configobj joblib xarray

And the external libraries:

$ pip install git+
$ pip install git+
$ pip install git+

OGGM and tests

Refer to OGGM above.